About us

About us

en.calcioefinanza.com is the web magazine brought to you by Calcio e Finanza, the first Italian website entirely dedicated to the financial, economic, and managerial aspects of international football. This portal is dedicated to a wide range of people such as passionate supporters and professionals as well.

en.calcioefinanza.com will not be the exact copy of the Italian version of Calcio e Finanza but a web magazine that fuels itself providing exceptional content. This web magazine, coordinated by Stefano Bernardini, brings interesting and original info to an international audience.

en.calcioefinanza.com is divided in 5 main sections:

Finance: This section is dedicated to the financial statements of the football clubs, revenues generated, costs, debts, and players’ salaries, as well as the national and international financial rules applied to football, focusing also on the UEFA financial fair play.

Governance: In this section the aspects related to the structure of the club owners (including changes in ownership and operations of mergers & acquisitions), the composition of the management and control bodies of the football club, the managers’ remuneration, and the latest news about the management of the leagues and federations are highlighted.

Media: This section refers to the market of broadcasting rights for major sporting events and the main operators (broadcasters, telecoms companies, intermediaries, etc.). Here there is also news related to the analysis of the major publishing groups involved in the sports information field.

Stadium: Nowadays, the stadiums are pivotal sources of revenues for football clubs. In this area all the news related to the stadium management, sponsorship deals, the realization of new facilities, and the renovation of those already in place are reported. Special attention goes to the statistics related to the attendance at the stadiums in the various leagues.

Marketing: This section analyzes the sponsorship deals signed by the clubs, facts related to professional leagues, the national and international federations, and athletes. A special focus is dedicated to the strategies for promoting football brands through the new media and social networks.

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