Umberto Gandini will earn a maximum of roughly €1 million from Roma; a third less than what his predecessor Italo Zanzi earned in the previous seasons. The paychecks of the leaders of Roma are ”ink on paper” in the remuneration report published towards the assembly of shareholders to be held Friday, October 28 in the capital. First, to the president James Pallotta no compensation is accounted for; the CEO Zanzi, in office until 30 June 2016, he earned €1.5 million in the last financial year, between fixed and various bonuses (in total, €21,000 less than the previous).
Behind the American manager was Walter Sabatini, the second highest paid executive although not present in the board of directors because he resigned. During his years with the Giallorossi (yellow-and-red, nickname referring to Roma) he could count on a salary of €1 million per season. Between Roma and Sabatini there was a mutually agreed divorce. The highest paid executive of the yellow-and-reds became the new CEO Gandini: €800,000 gross fixed salary plus a variable bonus of €250,000 on the basis of economic goals.
If he were to leave earlier than expected, like Zanzi and Sabatini, there would be no problem for Roma: “Among the Company, Directors and key management personnel – says the club – there are no agreements providing for compensation or other particular treatments in the event of termination of office, nor agreements that cover non-competition commitments “.

The veteran of Trigoria (Roma Sport and Training Center), Mauro Baldissoni, earns “only” €635,000 and his compensation fell by €127,000 compared to the previous season when he pocketed a total gross remuneration of €762,000 euro (plus €150,000 he didn’t get from the last financial year bonus). All the other components of the board can rely on the attendance prize of €25,000; except Richard A. D’Amore, Stanley Phillip Gold and Barry Sternlicht who participate in the board meetings without remuneration, as Pallotta does.
If you add the remuneration to other executives for €942,000 and those of the Board of Auditors for €92,000 to these payrolls, here you get what Roma’s management has earned until June 30 2016: €4.4 million, almost €1 million saved compared to June 30 2015 when the total amount was €5.1mln.