Thanks to its alliance with Microsoft, Real Madrid is ready to meticulously screen up the habits of its 450 million supporters around the world.
It sounds weird but it’s not! The most renowned club in the world strongly believes that in order to develop an efficient and long-lasting business, it’s necessary to enter in total contact with the fans. In order to do so, the “Blancos” decided to exploit the power of big data.
Information is power! Real Madrid is well aware of that. The club manages a huge volume of information relative to its 450 million fans around the globe. This is something that Jorge Cella, the director of technology and philanthropy of Microsoft in Argentina revealed to the Argentine newspaper La Nacion.
“The digital transformation made by Real Madrid resulted in a platform that allows the club to meet each of its 450 million fans. – explained Mr. Cella.”

Real Madrid – Barcelona / Insidefoto
It’s possible to establish a one-to-one communication with fans. It does not matter where in the world they are. It can be developed according to your own demands and interests. The two pillars of this transformation are the video system hosted in the cloud and what we simply call “fans”. This strategy is based on having an elaborate profile of the 450 million Real Madrid supporters.
Building profiles of 450 million people requires a great technology and an efficient strategy to use it. Not even the NFL or NBA franchises have developed it yet, although they are recognized to be the best in working with statistics in the sports world.”
How is this information useful to Real Madrid?
To implement the right marketing and sales strategies, it’s absolutely key to deeply know your fan base. Offers of tickets, products, suggestions, content on demand or new services are just some of the many proposals that can be carried out. Thanks to this information, a sponsor can decide to produce a specific product rather than one less desirable. By analyzing this huge source of data, Adidas, for instance, could decide to make a kit that is more suitable for Real Madrid’s fans as well as to produce accessories that could be very much appreciated by football lovers.
The “Blancos” wants to promptly respond to the needs of fans. Not everyone in the world wants the same product at the same time. The right strategy is, therefore, necessary to perfectly apply the concept of supply and demand. A strategy that could be summarized in a “Do you want this? Here it is for you!” interaction between the club and its supporters.
Thanks to this new platform and technology applied to marketing and sales in the world of sport, Real Madrid would be able to have a personalized one-to-one relationship with its huge fan base.
Once more, Real Madrid is under the spotlight for its business acumen.